So I decided to ask my favorite bloggers questions that will allow me to make a new “books to read” and “movies to watch” list. And just take a little step away from blogging and towards them as people.
Note: there is a song at the bottom you can play while reading this!
I asked them 5 questions:
- Favorite book?
- Favorite movie?
- Favorite music (or a band, singer, song…)?
- Favorite social media?
- Which blog you wish was yours?
Tia Peterson from Bizchickblogs:
- Live What You Love, Bob & Melinda Blanchard
- The Devil Wears Prada
- No favorites, really.
- So, so, tough. I usually do not covet things or wish they were mine.
But if I have to give an answer, I’d say or
something similar
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- The Color Purple
- En Vogue
- – I just love their header! lol
- The Hunt For Red October – Tom Clancy
- Star Wars Series – All Of Them
- Addicted To Love – Robert Palmer, And everything Vivaldi
- Chris Brogan’s
- The Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness (both by Nassim Taleb), Outliers and the Tipping Point (both by Malcolm Gladwell), everything by AJ Jacobs (The Year of Living Biblically, My Life as an Experiment, The Know-It-All…), Way of The Peaceful Warrio by Dan Millman…way too many to list.
- 12 Monkeys, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club.
- Zaz, Andrew Bird, No Smoking (Unza, Unza, Time!), Way, WAY too many to list…
- Twitter. I’m so over Facebook.
- I don’t have blog envy but I do have traffic/momentum envy. So, I’d take traffic and momentum of any of the top blogs if they’re transferring it.
- I read a lot and it’s hard for me to remember a title so I’m going with a recent one that’s business related: Never eat alone by Keith Ferrazzi
- Field of Dreams (hands down best sports and father son movie ever; I lost my father about the time this came out).
- Linkin Park (I know, pretty scary………)
- Twitter, hands down.
- I will have to go with LifeforInstance w/ Lori Gosselin because it fits my style. I could jump right in the seat there.
I can only choose ONE of each?!
- The Fountainhead, Ayn RandCrud.
- I don’t know.
- I love me the Pandora Glee station.
- Twitter. Duh.
- Yours! Um…I don’t know. I love a lot of them. Yours (for real), Ingrid’s, Danny’s, Marcus’s, Schaefer’s, Falchetto’s, Dino’s. It’s hard to choose just one.
- Crime and Punishment. The least worthless class I took in college was a Russian literature class (yes, you read that right!). I’d lived in a couple former Soviet countries, had visited Russia, and could speak Russian, but had never read any real Russian literature. This book blew my mind.
- O Brother, Where Art Thou? It’s clever and hilarious.
- Radiohead is probably my favorite band right now, though I also love trashy music that is fun to dance to.
- Twitter. It’s short, sweet, and to the point. It’s also an incredibly powerful tool for driving traffic and building relationships.
- Oooo. Great question. The answer would probably change depending on the week you asked me, but now I’d have to say, which is the world’s largest independent travel magazine. The articles there are just really fun and unique.
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- The Shawshank Redemption
- UK indie band Puressence
- Blogging
- Zen Habits
- S girls guide to fishing and hunting by Melissa Bank
- Toy story 1
- Marvin Gaye ( Here my dear album)
- It’s impossible to choose one. For non-fiction I’d have to go with The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Or The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler. For fiction I’m going to go with Philip Pullman’s trilogy (collected in one epic volumne!) His Dark Materials.
- My favourite movie is probably Serenity. It’s got everything a great movie should have – great script, great acting, great directing, great music, epic sweep. Very, very cool.
- I’m going to give you the name of a bass player you’ve never heard of, but you’ve undoubtedly heard his work. His name is James Jamerson and he’s played on more number 1 hits than the Beatles, Elvis, Madonna, Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson combined. I shit you not – and his name was James Jamerson. He was an integral member of Motown’s studio band – The Funk Brothers – from 1962 to around 1971. Just about everything Motown produced that went to No 1 had James on (think: The Supremes, The Four Tops, The Temptations, Martha & The Vandellas, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye. And the list goes on. And on.)
- My favourite social media is YouTube – earlier in the year I passed a million Youtube views. The amount of traffic it sends is insane….get video right and you’re good to go.
- There’s no blog that I’d rather be (other than yours of course:)) Some days I wish for the traffic of Copyblogger or Problogger. But the rest of the time I’m pretty happy with how One Spoon At A Time is going.
- I don’t have one per say but I still love some of the ones I read in
high school like “The Great Gatsby” and “The Scarlet Letter”. I’m also
gonna’ be very cliche and say I actually enjoyed “The Da Vinci Code” a
lot. The esotericism theme captivates me in general. I just bought
“Social Intelligence” so you never know what my answer will be tomorrow
- Again, I have a few like “Dangerous Beauty”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”, “The Natural” and “Remember the Titans”.
- Favorite Music – Okay, so either I have no personality whatsoever –
but we all know that isn’t true or I’m just plain indecisive. Yup, the
. One song that I do love is “Summer of 69″. I also love Depeche Mode, Robbie Williams, James Blunt and yes, the queen herself, Madonna! I listen to French music as well, but I don’t want to bore you lol. But if I must, I would say Charles Aznavour…
- Twitter!
- Hell, it’s already mine – nittyGriddy of course
! But if I could just own another and sit back and watch it do it’s thing, it would be “The Huffington Post” – which of course I would rename “The Grid Post”
- “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
- “Something’s Gotta Give”
- Neil Diamond
-–Really and truly, Brankica. Love the look, feel, content and community of your blog.
- My favorite book is The BluePrint: A Plan for Living Above Life’s Storms by Kirk Franklin. It’s so uplifting and encouraging. When my motivation wanes, all I need to do is read a section and I’m instantly re-energized.
- I have two all time favorite movies: ”Love Jones” and “Jason’s Lyric”.
- One of my favorite song is “God in Me” by Mary Mary – this song is probably the most banging Contemporary Christian song you’ll ever hear with lots of bass! Another song that I can listen to with out growing tired is Sweetest Taboo by Sade – I’m telling you that woman has a secret fountain of youth somewhere! She looks the same as she did 30 years ago!
- I think of all the sites, I love Twitter the most. I think it’s because of the brevity. You can get so much in bite sized portions.
- This will probably sound cliche, but I really love Problogger, you just can’t deny the quality and I really admire the insights of Darren Rowse.
- Zen Reflections by Robert Allen
- Tough. Almost anything with Angelina Jolie.
- Nine Inch Nails
- Flickr
- I love my blog and wouldn’t want anyone else’s!
- Not even close on this one: Les Miserables. It’s the greatest story ever written about forgiveness, redemption, sacrifice, and love. It’s the type of book that makes you look deep within and want to be a better person. Plus, Hugo was a genius. I could literally spend hours analyzing every single paragraph of that man.
- OK, I’m going to get teased for this one, but who cares– Dirty Dancing. I grew up in 80s and I though Patrick Swayze was the coolest dude on the planet.
- Probably a 3-way tie— U2, Enya, Classical
- Blogging. Not even close.
- Seth Godin. (Nothing like having 100 word posts being retweeted 500 times
- Usually whichever one I am reading at the moment. Was always an avid reader but these days mainly read PDF on marketing, growing my business so my favourite book for the moment is the Action Guide that is teaching me heaps about building a business. And more importantly showing me how to take action. With the help of my mentor of course!
- Pride & Prejudice. And as Colin Firth just won the Oscar for the King’s Speech, I reckon I could pick a good actor. To me he will always be Mr Darcy.
- Being a child of the 60s there were so many good bands. But the best of all time would have to be the Beatles. And best of their songs Hey Jude.
- The one that I am building at the moment. Cos if I chose someone else’s I would have to become them and I am very happy just being me.
- Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
- Back to the Future
- U2 every single album
- by DiTesco
- “The Lions of al-Rassan” by Guy Gavriel Kay. Anything by GGK is stellar work. He usually works in the fantasy genre, but he researches different historical periods and cultures to build the world in which the story takes place. You always come away with a deeper understanding of the history of the real world. GGK can really make you care about those characters, too. At the end of this book I was trying hard not to cry like a punk BYATCH. Did I succeed? I’ll never tell.
- Believe it or not, it’s the movie Breakin’ from back in the 80′s. Man I loved those dances. I used to try to do them all them time when I was a kid. Oh, who am I kidding, I was still trying to do those dances LAST WEEK.
- I guess my favorite music would be old-school soul/funk and some r&b rap stuff. Sometimes it’s kind of shocking when I’m driving and bumping Earth Wind & Fire and then some 50 Cent rap song starts blasting right after it. G-G-G-G-G-G UNIT!!
- Any one in which I can get people to listen and pay attention to me. So right now I hate them all! No, seriously, though…for me Facebook is a lot more social and Twitter is where I actually learn a lot from the links I see posted.
- The blog I wish was mine would be Andrew Price’s Blender 3D training blog The massive success of his blog just goes to show that if you put in the work on something you’re passionate about, you can truly build it into something special.I couldn’t pull that off though since I don’t have his level of Blender skill. When I post about Blender on my site it’s about how I *can’t* do something. If I posted about my Blender successes then I’d only have one post!
- Bill Bryson – A short history of nearly everything (or any of his travel books for that matter).
- Shawshank Redemption
- Music is all over the place, proven by the fact that my favourite two artists are Queen and 2Pac (yeah go figure) I am also a huge fan of Michael Franti (with or without spearhead).
- Probably LinkedIn. I see more potential here than any other social media outlet.
- Problogger of course. Who wants to say no to a blog that runs itself and makes more in Adsense everyday than I make in an entire year through every income stream!!
- The Millionaire’s Secrets: Life Lessons in Wisdom and Wealth by Mark Fisher of course!
- The Matrix – don’t laugh.
- Jay Z and Alicia Keys Empire State of Mind – yea, yea!
- Go Twitter go!
- Tough one but I would have to say it’s between and Damn they are good.
- Don’t have. Enjoyed a lot of Anne Rice back in the day, some John Grisham too. How ‘bout comics, like Dilbert and Calvin and Hobbes?
- No way to pick just one. I’ll give a list that people might not expect. I love classics like GWTW, Casablanca, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Like everything from action to comedy to drama to scifi, but less a fan of the chick flick. See… Matrix, Fight Club, The Blind Side, War of the Roses, Hangover, Firefly/Serenity, Iron Man.. Just looking randomly at DVDs.
- Mostly strummy alt rock like Lifehouse, Trading Yesterday,
Safetysuit, Florence and the Machine, but really my iPod has a little of
- Blogging first with Twitter a close 2nd. Guessing you mean SM network or tool or platform.
- Great question! Gini’s for the fame. Mark Schaefer’s for the fortune. Marcus’ for the community. Danny’s for the Zen. Erika’s (Redhead) for the bite. Ingrid’s for the yowza. IDK.. I like my little blog, think I’m taking a page from everyone.
- My favorite book is probably “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel. I read it in high school and it reminded me a lot of the story from “The Old Man and the Sea,” which I loved as a child. The book has a fantastic ending and the story is very meaningful and conveys some really important life lessons.
- I think it has to be The Little Mermaid or the Lion King. Don’t laugh! I love Disney!
- I like all music, but I’ve always really loved rock and grunge. Is that weird? I’m a big fan of the Foo Fighters, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Incubus. And being a pianist, I also love classical piano.
- YouTube! I’ve basically thrown out television entirely for my YouTube subscriptions, and I got to meet a couple YouTube celebrities last year when they visited my city. There’s a huge potential for community on YouTube and a lot of the people I watch are huge inspirations to me.
- I guess I’d say TechCrunch. I think it’s my favourite blog to read. I’m a sucker for tech news, even though I’m not exactly the most technologically savvy person. The comments are also hilarious to read and very insightful. There are some smart people on that blog!
- Hard to pick one but since I have to Le Petit Prince by St Exupery
- Apocalypse Now
- Queen , best song Bohemian Rapsody fist song to mix rock and opera But I have to also say Eminem
- Danny Brown
You can quote me in saying this is the hardest interview I’ve ever done. I’m a person who LOVES options, so I don’t think I gave you a single straight response!
- That’s a tie between Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (go figure!)
- The Bourne Triology
- I have an unrelenting level of music appreciation so this is
borderline torture to answer. If The Roots, Rage Against The Machine,
Outkast, Paul van Dyk, Phish, Bob Marley, Sublime, Metallica, Brooke
Fraiser, and Lady Gaga formed a band I’d pick them.
- Blogs. You get both interaction and insight.
- I wouldn’t wish for any one particular blog, but I’d gladly take the
biz model behind the likes of a blog like Chris Brogan’s. Hey Chris!
I’m available if your looking for a successor, lol.
- The Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follett
- “Man on Fire”, “Tropa de Elite”, “300″, both “Sex and The City”
- So many different ones, a lot of Serbian music and RnB, House, etc.
- Personally Facebook, business wise Twitter.
- Lisa Irby’s, because her stuff overall rocks!
Here is one of the songs that was listed here that I adore